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Poster for Ambiguity: Crónica de un Sueño Americano

Ambiguity: Crónica de un Sueño Americano

Run Time: 120 min.

Ambiguity: Crónica de un Sueño Americano (Grísel Wilson, US, 2015) In Spanish and English,
with English subtitles (English title: Ambiguity)


The Department of World Languages and Cultures and the Office of Multicultural Affairs
Perspectives on Global Migration 

Global Cinema Film Series 2023-24

With the generous support of the College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, the
Asian American Center for Excellence and Engagement, and the Saab Center in Portuguese

Film screening followed by Q&A discussion
Free & open to the public

Celebrating the rich and diverse history of Lowell as a gateway city welcoming migrant from
around the world, and the global diversity of UMass Lowell, this year’s global cinema film series
will focus on the intricate tapestry of human migration, capturing diverse narratives, cultures,
and experiences from around the world. This thought-provoking series will delve deep into the
multifaceted phenomenon of migration, providing a platform for understanding the challenges,
triumphs, and complexities faced by migrants across continents and highlighting how we are all
interconnected through globalization and global migration.
By bringing together an array of films that span languages, cultures, and cinematic styles, we
aim to cultivate a space for reflection, discussion, and dialogue. Each film serves as a lens
through which audiences can explore the intricate dynamics of migration, encouraging them to
contemplate the significance of home, identity, and belonging in an ever-changing world.

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